c12880ma分光器をRaspberry Pi Picoで使えるようにするため、周辺回路で使っているオペアンプ(NJM77701F)とデジタルポテンショメータ(MAX5477)についての使い方とメモ。
なお、c12880maのVideo信号のレートはクロック周波数が設定されているが、露光時のクロックである必要はなさそうなので、Raspberry Pi PicoのADCでも動作させることができる。MicroPythonで300ksps(45ksps程度)でていたと思う。
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""" Maxim Integrated Products MAX5477 Dual, 256-Tap, Non-volatile, I2C-Interface, Digital Potentiometers """ # The MAX5477 has a total end-to-end resistance of 10kΩ. # The devices feature an internal non-volatile EEPROM(NVREG) used # to store the wiper position for VREG initialization during power-up. # A write-protect feature prevents accidental overwrites of the EEPROM. # 2023-01-29 # Auther: kimi # ( kimiyo7819@gmqil.com ) # tested on MicroPython v1.19.1 on 2022-06-18; Raspberry Pi Pico with RP2040 # modified for Seeeduino XIAO on 03/08/2023 # 2023-05-26 # Currently the code is fragile with write operations to store values # in non-volatile memory. I'm investigating the cause of this instability # and looking for a solution. # Note that writing to volatile memory is working as expected. # 2023-05-28 # The unstable behavior observed is a result of the write operations # to non-volatile memory taking longer than expected, # leading to data loss when consecutive write commands are executed. # To achieve stability, I have introduced a waiting time. Currently, # I have set it to 100 msec temporarily, but it seems that a waiting # time of 10 msec is insufficient. # Unfortunately, I could not find this information in the datasheet. # It's possible that I may have overlooked it. # 2023-05-29 # Non-volatile memory write busy time is 12 ms. This was documented # in the provided datasheet in the table "Timing Characteristics". # Changed the Waiting time setting to 20 ms. import time # Seeeduino XIAO requires soft I²C #from machine import Pin, SoftI2C #SCL = 7 #SDA = 6 # Raspberry Pi Pico from machine import Pin, I2C SCL = 1 SDA = 0 op = {"R0": 0b0001, "R1": 0b0010 } reg = {"write_VREG": 0b0001_0000, "write_NVREG": 0b0010_0000, "copy_NVtoV": 0b0110_0000, "copy_VtoNV": 0b0101_0000 } class MAX5477: def __init__(self, addres=0x28): # Seeeduino XIAO #self.i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(SCL), sda=Pin(SDA), freq=100000) # Raspberry Pi Pico self.i2c = I2C(0, scl=Pin(SCL), sda=Pin(SDA), freq=100000) self.MAX5477_Addr = addres # MAX5477 has 3 pins for address # # Slave Addresses # A2 A1 A0 # GND GND GND 0b0101000(0x28) # GND GND VDD 0b0101001 # GND VDD GND 0b0101010 # GND VDD VDD 0b0101011 # ... # VDD VDD VDD 0b0101111 def command(self, command="write_VREG", operation = "R0", value=125): """ Set command & value to MAX5477 Args: command (str, optional): write or copy a value to volatile or non-volatile memory. Defaults to "write_VREG". operation (str, optional): Select either resistor R0 or R1. Defaults to "R0". value (int, optional): a data bytes. Defaults to 125. Write protection(WP) changes the behavior. WP=0 (connect to GND) write_VREG: I2C data is written to VREG. Wiper position updates with I2C data. No change to NVREG. write_NVREG: No change to VREG or wiper position. I2C data is written to NVREG. copy_NVtoV: Copy NVREG to VREG. Wiper position updates with NVREG data. No change to NVREG. copy_VtoNV: Copy VREG to NVREG. No change to VREG or wiper position. WP=1 (connect to VDD) write_VREG: Copy NVREG to VREG. Wiper position updates with NVREG data. No change to NVREG. write_NVREG: No change to VREG or wiper position. No change to NVREG. copy_NVtoV: Copy NVREG to VREG. Wiper position updates with NVREG data. No change to NVREG. copy_VtoNV: No change to VREG or wiper position. No change to NVREG. """ cmd = reg[command] | op[operation] self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.MAX5477_Addr, cmd, bytes([value])) time.sleep_ms(20) if __name__ == '__main__': # Test assuming op amp operation register = MAX5477(0x28) # writing data to non-volatile memory. # offset register.command("write_NVREG", "R0",100) # amplification register.command("write_NVREG", "R1", 98) # copy non-volatile memory to volatile memory. # offset register.command("copy_NVtoV", "R0", 0) # amplification register.command("copy_NVtoV", "R1", 0) |
ホコリだらけだ、MAX5477は5Vで動かすので、3.3VのRaspberry Pi PicoからI²C接続するにはレベル変換が必要。実際には8chのFXMA108を用いているのであるが、実験では2chのFXMA2102を使った秋月電子のI²Cバス用双方向電圧レベル変換モジュールを使っている。
- 定本 OPアンプ回路の設計―再現性を重視した設計の基礎から応用まで (定本シリーズ)
- 浜松ホトニクス ミニ分光器 マイクロシリーズ C12880MA データシート
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